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Relief transport for the hospital in Lviv - Ukraine

This relief transport, which was financed through the donations of ROTHENBERGER employees, was carried out together with EurAsia Heart and a large logistic company. Vital medical power supply units, as well as bedding and toys were transported to a hospital in the city of Lviv, Ukraine, located 70 kilometres outside of Tschernobyl, to help improve the situation of the small patients.

In the cardio-surgical centre of this facility, about 500 patients are cared for annually. At the same time, the conditions are unacceptable. Of the 40 existing OP theatres only one is functional. What is tragic is that children and young people with heart conditions are currently not receiving operations with a heart-lung machine because of inadequate equipment. It is often the absence of the simplest resources or the power supply that continually breaks down.

Facts and numbers

Euro Budget

The background to the project

Country Ukraine
Human Development Index 88

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Your commitment - Uganda 2017

The project work with TOOLS FOR LIFE has given me the opportunity to help others to help themselves and to noticeably improve their quality of life. Thank you for this unforgettable experience!

Mara Weber

Your commitment - Senegal 2012

My TOOLS FOR LIFE staff trip to Senegal in 2012 was a unique experience. And the fact that I was standing on a meadow where today, after only two years, there is a school for several hundred pupils, which the Foundation helped to finance, is almost unbelievable. Great cause and great projects that make a little bit of a difference in the world.

Olaf Schlotmann

Your commitment - Uganda 2015

It is inspiring with how much commitment and passion the foundation devotes to its projects.

Timm Wagenknecht